Dinosaur pictures with names

Dinosaur Names with Pictures – Fascinating World of Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs have captivated people’s imaginations for millennia.These prehistoric creatures have been the topic of numerous books, films, and television shows.But have you ever wondered about the names of these magnificent beasts?In this article, we will take a closer look at the fascinating world of dinosaur names with pictures to help you visualize these incredible creatures.

During the Mesozoic era, these prehistoric giants roamed the Earth, exciting our imaginations with their gigantic size, unique features, and diversified adaptations. The Mesozoic era, spanning from approximately 252 to 66 million years ago, is often referred to as the “Age of Dinosaurs.” This period is divided into the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods, each hosting a plethora of dinosaur species adapted to the evolving landscapes.


Get  into the fascinating world of dinosaurs, to bring these prehistoric creatures to life.


Naming Conventions

Before we dive into specific dinosaur names with pictures , it’s important to understand the naming conventions used by paleontologists. Most dinosaur names are made up of two parts: the genus and the species.


  • The genus is the first part of the name and refers to a group of closely related species.
  • The species is the second part of the name and is unique to a specific type of dinosaur.

Unveiling the Giants: Dinosaur Names with Pictures

Tyrannosaurus Rex

One of the most well-known and beloved dinosaurs is the Tyrannosaurus Rex, also known as the T-Rex.



Its name is derived from the Greek words “tyrannos” (tyrant) and “sauros” (lizard). This name is fitting as the T-Rex was one of the largest and most fearsome predators of its time.

His length was ranging from about 36 to 40 feet (11 to 12 meters) and standing around 15 to 20 feet (4.6 to 6 meters) tall at the hips.It had a massive head with large, serrated teeth, well-adapted for crushing bone and tearing flesh.

T-Rex had short, powerful arms with two-fingered hands. Despite their small size, these arms were strong and likely played a role in gripping prey.He was a carnivorous predator, and its diet primarily consisted of other dinosaurs. 


T-rex fossils have been found in North America, particularly in regions such as Montana, South Dakota, and Wyoming.

The first partial T. rex skeleton was discovered in 1902 by paleontologist Barnum Brown in Montana.

Some other notable dinosaur names with pictures include Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Velociraptor and many more.


Another popular dinosaur is Triceratops.




Its name comes from the Greek words “tri” meaning three, “keras” meaning horn, and “ops” meaning face. This name is fitting as the triceratops is known for its three distinctive horns on its face. Some of the most famous triceratops names include Triceratops horridus, Triceratops prorsus, and Triceratops maximus.

Triceratops was a large dinosaur, with lengths ranging from about 26 to 30 feet (8 to 9 meters) and weighing several tons.

It was a quadrupedal dinosaur, meaning it walked on four sturdy legs.


Triceratops was a herbivore, primarily feeding on plants such as ferns, cycads, and other vegetation.

Fossils of Triceratops have been found in North America, particularly in regions like Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota.



Stegosaurus is a herbivorous dinosaur genus that existed between 155 and 150 million years ago during the Late Jurassic era.




The name “Stegosaurus” is derived from the Greek words “stegos,” meaning roof or covering, and “sauros,” meaning lizard. The species Stegosaurus stenops is the most well-known and studied of the genus.


Fossils of Stegosaurus have been found in western North America, particularly in states such as Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.



Brachiosaurus is a genus of large, herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic period, approximately 154 to 153 million years ago.




The name “Brachiosaurus” is derived from the Greek words “brachion,” meaning arm, and “sauros,” meaning lizard, reflecting its distinctive long front limbs.


This dinosaur belonged to the sauropod group, known for their enormous size and long necks.

Fossils of Brachiosaurus have been found in North America, Africa, and Europe, indicating a widespread distribution during its existence. One of the most famous and well-preserved specimens was discovered in the Morrison Formation of Colorado, USA.


Brachiosaurus is notable for its unique body proportions, with a long neck that allowed it to reach vegetation high in trees.


Velociraptor is a genus of small, predatory dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 75 to 71 million years ago.



The name “Velociraptor” is derived from the Latin words “velox,” meaning swift, and “raptor,” meaning robber or plunderer, highlighting its presumed agility and predatory nature.

Velociraptor was a dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur, belonging to a group commonly referred to as “raptors.”

Fossils of Velociraptor have been found in Mongolia and China, primarily in the Djadochta Formation. One of the most well-known species is Velociraptor mongoliensis.


Velociraptor was a relatively small dinosaur, with an estimated length of about 6.8 feet (2 meters) and a height of around 1.6 feet (0.5 meters) at the hip. It had a long, stiff tail that likely helped with balance and agility. Velociraptor was bipedal, meaning it walked on two legs, and it had a sleek, lightweight build suited for swift movements.

Velociraptor was likely a carnivorous predator that preyed on smaller dinosaurs and other animals of its time. Its agility, speed, and sharp claws would have made it an effective hunter.


Spinosaurus is a genus of theropod dinosaur that lived during the Cretaceous period, around 112 to 93 million years ago.




The name “Spinosaurus” is derived from the Latin words “spina,” meaning spine, and “sauros,” meaning lizard.

This dinosaur is known for its distinctively long, crocodile-like snout and the sail-like structure on its back, formed by elongated neural spines.

Fossils of Spinosaurus were first discovered in Egypt in the early 20th century, with subsequent discoveries in other parts of North Africa.

Spinosaurus is estimated to have been one of the largest theropods, even surpassing the size of Tyrannosaurus rex. Current estimates suggest a length of around 40 to 50 feet (12 to 15 meters) or possibly even longer. Its long, crocodile-like jaws contained conical teeth, indicating that it was well-adapted to a piscivorous (fish-eating) lifestyle. The jaws and teeth of Spinosaurus suggest a specialization for catching and consuming aquatic prey.


Spinosaurus is believed to have been a semi-aquatic dinosaur, spending a significant portion of its time in aquatic environments. Fossil evidence indicates adaptations for a life in and around water, such as dense bones for buoyancy, conical teeth for catching slippery prey, and a long, streamlined body.



Allosaurus is a genus of gigantic theropod dinosaurs that lived between 155 and 145 million years ago, during the Late Jurassic period.



The name “Allosaurus” comes from the Greek words “allos,” which means “different or other,” and “sauros,” which means “lizard.”

It is one of the most well-known and extensively studied carnivorous dinosaurs from the Jurassic period.

Allosaurus was a formidable predator, characterized by a robust build, a large skull with sharp teeth, and strong hind limbs.

Fossils of Allosaurus have been discovered in North America, Europe, and possibly Africa. It was a prominent member of the Late Jurassic ecosystems, sharing its environment with other dinosaurs like Stegosaurus and Apatosaurus.



Diplodocus is a genus of large, long-necked, herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic period, around 154 to 150 million years ago.




The name “Diplodocus” is derived from the Greek words “diploos,” meaning double, and “dokos,” meaning beam, referring to the double-beamed chevron bones in its tail.

Diplodocus was a sauropod, a group of enormous, four-legged dinosaurs characterized by their long necks, tails, and relatively small heads.


One of the most distinctive features of Diplodocus is its long neck, which, along with its long tail, contributed to its overall elongated body shape. The neck of Diplodocus was flexible and likely used for reaching vegetation at varying heights.

Its small head had peg-like teeth, indicative of an herbivorous diet focused on soft plant material.

Diplodocus was a browser, feeding on ferns, cycads, and other vegetation, and its size and long neck allowed it to access food sources at different heights.

Its forelimbs were slightly shorter than its hind limbs, resulting in a horizontal posture. Despite its massive size, Diplodocus was relatively lightweight due to its hollow bones, a common adaptation in sauropods that helped reduce the overall body weight.

Diplodocus fossils have been found in North America, particularly in the Morrison Formation.



Brontosaurus is a genus of large, herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the Late Jurassic period, approximately 154 to 150 million years ago.


The name “Brontosaurus” is derived from the Greek words “brontÄ“,” meaning thunder, and “sauros,” meaning lizard.

It is a member of the sauropod group, known for their massive size, long necks, and four-legged stance.

The history of Brontosaurus is interesting in the field of paleontology. Originally, the genus Brontosaurus was named in the late 19th century based on fossils found in the western United States. However, in 1903, paleontologist Elmer Riggs argued that the differences between Brontosaurus and another sauropod genus, Apatosaurus, were not significant enough to warrant separate classification. Riggs concluded that Brontosaurus was, in fact, a junior synonym of Apatosaurus.

The sauropods, including Brontosaurus/Apatosaurus, played a crucial role in Late Jurassic ecosystems. They were primary consumers, shaping the vegetation and influencing the landscape.

Fossil evidence suggests that these dinosaurs may have traveled in herds, possibly for protection against predators or for more efficient foraging.



Pterodactyls, specifically those belonging to the genus Pterodactylus, were a group of flying reptiles that lived during the Late Jurassic period, around 150 million years ago.


The name “Pterodactyl” is derived from the Greek words “pteros,” meaning wing, and “daktylos,” meaning finger. The name essentially translates to “winged finger” or “winged hand,” which accurately describes the structure of the animal’s wings.

Key features of Pterodactylus and other pterosaurs include a lightweight skeleton, large wings formed by a membrane of skin stretched between an elongated fourth finger and the body, and a relatively short tail. Pterodactylus had a wingspan ranging from about 3 to 6 feet (1 to 2 meters), depending on the species.

The head of Pterodactylus was characterized by a long, pointed beak, which varied in shape among different species. Some had crests on their heads, possibly used for display or species recognition. Pterodactylus likely had keen eyesight to aid in flying and hunting.


Pterosaurs, including Pterodactylus, became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period along with the non-avian dinosaurs.

Their fossils have provided valuable insights into the evolution of flight and the diversity of life during the Mesozoic Era.


Ankylosaurus is a genus of armored dinosaur that lived between 68 and 66 million years ago, during the Late Cretaceous period. It belonged to the family Ankylosauridae and is known for its distinctive, heavily armored body and the presence of a tail club.




The name “Ankylosaurus” is derived from the Greek words “ankylos,” meaning fused or stiff, and “sauros,” meaning lizard. Therefore, the name Ankylosaurus can be translated to “fused lizard” or “stiff lizard.”

Ankylosaurus was a herbivorous dinosaur that roamed what is now western North America.

Key features of Ankylosaurus include a low-slung, robust body covered in bony plates called osteoderms. The bony plates were embedded in the skin and formed a protective shield across its back and sides.

Additionally, Ankylosaurus had a series of large, bony knobs along its tail, culminating in a massive, club-like structure.

The tail club of Ankylosaurus was a formidable weapon, likely used for defense against predators or possibly in intraspecific combat. The tail club could generate significant force, making Ankylosaurus a challenging target for potential attackers. The rest of its body was also well-protected, with thick, bony plates and a covering of smaller osteoderms.


Fossil evidence of Ankylosaurus has been found in various locations in North America, including the western United States and Canada. The discovery of these fossils have contributed to our understanding of the diversity of dinosaur species and how they evolved.

Fun Facts About Dinosaur Names with Pictures

  • Micropachycephalosaurus is the longest dinosaur name, meaning “tiny thick-headed lizard.”
    dinosaur pictures with names
  • The shortest dinosaur name is Yi meaning “wing.”
  • Some dinosaur names are based on where they were discovered, such as the Argentinosaurus, which was found in Argentina.Argentinosaurus
  • The Megalosaurus was the first dinosaur to be named in 1824.Megalosaurus

Dinosaur Names in Pop Culture

Dinosaurs have not only captured the attention of scientists but also popular culture. Many movies, TV shows, and books have featured dinosaurs with unique and creative names. Some examples include the Indominus Rex from Jurassic World, the Blue from Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, and Littlefoot from The Land Before Time.

Dinosaur names are not only fascinating but also provide insight into the characteristics and origins of these incredible creatures. From the triceratops to the T-Rex, each name tells a unique story about these prehistoric animals. So the next time you come across a dinosaur names with pictures, take a moment to appreciate its meaning and the incredible creature it represents.

Do you have a favorite dinosaur name? Let us know in the comments below!

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